audacia (au.da.cia) s.f. (from the Latin audacia, derivative of audax -acis) 1. Instinctive behaviour or character where courage is united with indifference or contempt of danger or risk 2. Danger and uncertainty as an essential character. Absolute originality, meeting with opposition and sensation; risky or controversial acceptance or reliability 3. Inconvenience, brazenness, insolence
au.dac.i.ty (from audaciete French, audac-audax Latin); dar. Ing (1582)
audacia (from Latin audacia): osadía, atrevimiento
audace (1130) (synonyms: assurance, bravure, courage, décision, hardiesse, intrépidité, témérité, innovation, origınalité, aplomb, arrogance, effronterie, impertinence, impudence, inconvenance, insolence)

The interpretation through the photographs of Giovanni Gastel

Overcoming any limit without fear; taking courage, within, in silence; aiming at the point of arrival, concentrated, almost evil; holding your breath for a moment then leaping forward, unaware and contemptuous of the immediate consequences, trying to see further ahead, where the line between reality and possibility is slighter, indecipherable and inconsistent.

Audacious is he who challenges the fragments that obstruct everyday life and not only he who has the strength to undertake titanic enterprises.
Audacity, like a secret soul that can revolutionize a crumb of one’s own everyday life; it is the courage of he who questions himself looking a moment later, satisfied, at a seemingly unhoped-for result.

Audacity is a moment; a fragment of time in which to surpass oneself and all the supposed limits that we carry within. Audacity is both an eye that is not lowered and happy and strong; it carries within the signs of a deliberate choice: an object, a color, a tattoo, a jewel.
Audacity is not being afraid of the consequences, but at the same time it is lucid  awareness of who you are, of what you want. Audacity is not only a fist banged on the table of ife; it can also be an unexpected gesture, generous and creative, capable of opening unexpected windows and scenarios, ready to be explored.

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Mentre la fantasia, l’invenzione e la creatività producono qualcosa che prima non c’era, l’immaginazione può immaginare anche qualcosa che già esiste ma che al momento non è tra noi.
L’immaginazione non è necessariamente creativa



