We look beyond
to be always a step ahead
innovate tr. v. [from the lat. innovare, der. of novus “new”] (I innovate, etc.). 1. To change a state of affairs by introducing norms, methods, new systems; 2. intr. pron. To renew oneself, regain strength, vigor, efficiency.
Among the multiple meanings of the verb “innovate”, the two above are certainly the most appropriate, if referring to the Binda company. Indeed, the very concept of innovation was, the engine that drove its birth.
Back in 1906, the founder Innocente Binda , had a real revelation. At the time, to repair watches was a serious matter: technology was complicated and not for everyone and, above all, it was very difficult to get spare parts, unless they were ordered to different production companies – usually located in Switzerland – or the pieces were built at home, with approximation and consequent loss of precision of the watch.
Innocente Binda started to import the original spareparts to Italy, becoming a link between the Swiss production companies and Italian local retailer who were very glad as finally they were receiving a qualitative support within the national territory.
He had a great managerial intuition: his success confirmed that the world was changing and that to keep up with the times it was imperative to renew the proposal and introduce new business systems.
Since then, the Binda Company has never stopped innovating with method and dedication, using resources and seeking the most suitable professional skills.
Innovating means being able to observe an old object and look at it with new eyes. And never stop doing it
A “gym” in which designers and product developers have the opportunity to carry out free research and, consequently, to promote continuous innovation.

A “gym” in which designers and product developers have the opportunity to carry out free research and, consequently, to promote continuous innovation.

From Breil to Wyler Vetta, passing through Hip Hop… Every brand in the Binda PORTFOLIO has taken advantage of the deep care and the maniacal attention to detail, of the construction, of novelties that disrupt the rules of watch and jewelry.

From Breil to Wyler Vetta, passing through Hip Hop… Every brand in the Binda PORTFOLIO has taken advantage of the deep care and the maniacal attention to detail, of the construction, of novelties that disrupt the rules of watch and jewelry.
Innocente Binda has always been strongly oriented to communication. Enlightened entrepreneur and pioneer of unexpected and new marketing techniques, he has communicated the values and characteristics of his products like never before.

Innocente Binda has always been strongly oriented to communication. Enlightened entrepreneur and pioneer of unexpected and new marketing techniques, he has communicated the values and characteristics of his products like never before.